Authentic Flow Tribe Manifesto
As a community we have decided to make a statement. And as a teacher, guide and the founder of Authentic Flow Tribe I have found it very, very hard to teach without bursting into tears, and I'm not alone. Here is what we have to say:
We, the members of the Authentic Flow community, seek to facilitate the recognition that all human beings - our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, children and elders, ancestors and yet-to-be-borns - are interconnected and are, in fact, one indivisible Whole, known as Humanity.
Insodoing, we promote practices designed to remind us of our connection to each other and our responsibilities to each other as co-creators of our collective reality.
When we recognize each other as our very selves, we naturally abide in Love and are compelled to act in ways which nourish and protect the wellbeing of each other.
We stand for the embodiment on earth of loving awareness and undivided unity. We stand for interconnectedness with nature and all life on Earth. We join article 1 of the Human Rights Declaration 1948: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of community”. We stand by wisdom traditions such as non-dual Tantra and Buddhism, as well as animism that embrace a non-dual approach to our collective existence together.
We seek to assist all humans, regardless of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, or ethnic group, to shed fear-based, "othering" as a way of thinking and acting, and to embrace the reality of our interdependence on and intimacy with all that is.
We uphold non-violent means to bringing material conflicts to solutions promoting the wellbeing of all of humanity, thus furthering the universal recognition in ourselves and others, of our indivisible Whole and the Love that has been, is, and always will be revealed as the foundation and center of our existence.